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Rule-It-Out Method

Did you know that each of the annoying or painful conditions listed below have been linked to scar tissue and adhesions in the soft tissue as the root cause?

Don't believe me? Well, then put it to the test and you will most likely know in 5 days!

Obviously, this is after you have gone for X-rays, imaging testing, etc. and have been given a green light from your doctor to pursue soft tissue therapy.

Bottle Therapy's "Rule-It-Out Method" is a quick process of elimination strategy that could save you from unnecessary medicine, therapy and surgery!

Step 1: Assume scar tissue and adhesions are the root cause of ALL your annoying or painful conditions head to toe UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE!

Step 2: While you are waiting to see a specialist or to have surgery, follow Bottle Therapy’s Formula 2-3-5™ (or a modification of it as per recommendations by your Bottle Therapy Coach).

Step 3: Assess your results. If symptoms are relieved within the 5 days of treatments, you most likely have found the root cause of your pain—SCAR TISSUE! Continue with treatments until your symptoms are 100% relieved.

Therefore, to receive continual relief from your pain, your therapy will need to be continual, until you are in the clear! Makes sense right?

What if you get no relief? Then you have ruled out scar tissue as the culprit in just 5 days. This can be done while you are waiting on the medical system. There really is no downside, especially considering that you have learned an effective scar tissue breakdown strategy. Also, your Bottle Therapy Training Packages are 100% refundable!

Regardless of your results, “assuming” does not make you a foolish person! It makes you a smart, resourceful person who has came to a much quicker resolution to your problem.

How do you think I eliminated my shallow breathing, rapid heart rate problems, kaleidoscope vision, breast inflammation and pain, a twitching eye, and the need for a mouth guard (for grinding my teeth)?

The "Rule-it-out Method" works and relieves me of stressing out about the "what ifs"!

Let me know if you have any questions on how I can help you get started on the "Rule-it-out Method" safely and quickly! FREE CONSULT!

Happy Bottling!


P.S. 100% of the time I've put it to the test, scar tissue is proven to be the root cause

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